Saturday, January 14, 2012

Hello, Albuquerque!

Good Evening!

My name is Hannah and I am a student at the University of New Mexico, and am a native of a small town in Wyoming. I am very new to Albuquerque and trying to get a feel for the culture. Consequently, I am starting this blog. I am thus far a very big fan of this big town with a small town feel. From historic Route 66 to ABQ Uptown, there is something for everyone here in Albuquerque.

Since I moved here, these questions have constantly been on my mind:

What is Albuquerque, exactly?

Why would anyone want to live, visit, or explore this area of the country?

What is the good, the bad, and the ugly of this city?

Well, the premise of this blog is to discover exactly that.

So as you read this from your homes, whether you are a native of Albuquerque or just curious about this conglomerate culture, keep in mind that my opinion is one of a non-native Albuquerquean. I love this city and I love the people who are with me here.

Enjoy :)
And until next time, au revoir!

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